Design your own vintage cake!
- This is an enquiry form to design your own vintage cake! After you fill out this form we will be in touch with you in email in 1-2 business days.
- Order as early in advance as you like, as bookings are subject to availability.
- We sometimes try to squeeze in late orders as late as 3 days before your pick up but this is subject to availability.
Step 1:
Pick Up and Order Information
Provisional Pick Up Date:
All bookings are subject to availability, wait to hear back from us in email, your order is confirmed once it is paid.
Step 2:
Choose Shape and Size
What size Cake?
Would you like Gluten free?
Step 3:
Cake Flavor Selection
Step 4:
Cake Filling
This is the icing in the middle between the 2 layers of cake.
Step 5:
Cake Appearance Description
How would you like your cake to look:
One colour you would like to see on your cake:
Base Color:
Inspiration Image
Inspiration Image:
Step 6:
Additional Decorations
Step 7:
Custom Message
Step 8:
Contact Information
Email Address:
Phone Number:
Thank you for designing a vintage cake!